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We invite you to the seminar: "Technology of stable obtaining of soybean crops from 20 centners / hectare with Canadian Prograin seeds"
We invite you to the seminar: "Technology of stable obtaining of soybean crops from 20 centners / hectare with Canadian Prograin seeds"
A specialized seminar for farmers of the Amur Region will be held on March 3
All-Russian Exhibition "Grain-Mixed Feed-Veterinary 2017"
All-Russian Exhibition "Grain-Mixed Feed-Veterinary 2017"
Target Agro took part in the XXII international specialized trade and industrial exhibition "MVC: Grain-Mixed Feed-Veterinary Medicine"
Conference with partners and "YugAgro"
Conference with partners and "YugAgro"
A part of the TARGET AGRO team spent the week from November 21 to 25 at a conference in Gelendzhik and at the All-Russian agronomic exhibition "YugAgro" in Krasnodar.
One of the main partners of TARGET AGRO company, the manufacturer of "ZemlyakoFF Crop Protection" pesticides, convened a partner conference in Gelendzhik on November 22, at which the results of distributors' work for 2016 and the commercial policy for 2017 were announced, as well as plans for the future were developed.
Launch of the plant and the beginning of the 2016-2017 season
Launch of the plant and the beginning of the 2016-2017 season

On October 1, 2016, the "Soya ANK" oil extraction plant was launched, thus marking the beginning of the 2016/2017 season. During the preventive maintenance, a number of repairs were carried out, and equipment for the hydration of soybean oil was installed.

All-Russian Soybean Day
All-Russian Soybean Day

On August 30 and 31, the All-Russian Soybean Day was held in the Amur Region. An event of this scale was held in the region for the first time; its important status was underlined by the arrival of Alexander Tkachev, the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

ANK purchaises SOYBEANS
ANK purchaises SOYBEANS
"ANK-Holding" purchaises soybeans of the 2016 harvest on prepayment terms in unlimited quantities at a price higher than currently prevailing on the market.
For all questions please call. +7 (9145) 56-55-66.
Our company paid a working visit to China to exchange experience and technologies
Our company paid a working visit to China to exchange experience and technologies
From 14 to 17 June 2016, our company visited Harbin, China to pay a working visit to exchange experience and technologies for growing and processing soybeans.
World Soy - Feeds 2016
World Soy - Feeds 2016
On June 1-3, "World Soy - Feeds", the now annual conference was held in St. Petersburg, dedicated to the production and processing of soybeans in Russia and in the world. The General Director of "TARGET AGRO" LLC, Evgeny Trofimov, also took part in this conference.
Exhibition in Moscow "Grain-Mixed Feed-Veterinary-2016
Exhibition in Moscow "Grain-Mixed Feed-Veterinary-2016
The "TARGET AGRO" company traditionally took part in this exhibition and presented its booth, whence the exhibition participants could get acquainted with all the products line of our company.
Seminar for farmers
Seminar for farmers
On August 4, the "TARGET AGRO" company held an open seminar on the use of chemical plant protection products for farm units in the Amur Region at the experimental plots in one of the fields of the ANK farming enterprise.
Weed control: Amur farmers will be clearly shown the effectiveness of herbicides
Weed control: Amur farmers will be clearly shown the effectiveness of herbicides
A whole field of soybeans, the most important agricultural crop in the Amur Region, was divided into ten experimental plots near Tolstovka to conduct experiments. Here, experts check how "smart chemicals" (herbicides) helps to control Amur weeds. "Our primary need is to determine which herbicides are most suitable for the Amur Region", noted Evgeny Trofimov, General Director of "Target Agro" LLC.
20th (anniversary) international specialized trade and industrial exhibition
"TARGET AGRO" company traditionally took part in the 20th (anniversary) international specialized trade and industrial exhibition "GRAIN-MIXED FEED-VETERINARY", which was held in Moscow from January 27 to 29 at the All-Russian Exhibition Center.
Launch of an oil extraction plant
Launch of an oil extraction plant
On Wednesday, October 15, a significant event both for the ANK and for the whole Amur Region took place - the presentation of a new oil extraction plant.
Participation in the international economic and trade fair
Participation in the international economic and trade fair
From 19 to 22 September, simultaneously with the "AmurExpoForum-2014" exhibition, the "International Economic and Trade Fair" was held in China.
Soybean meal from the Amur manufacturer
Soybean meal from the Amur manufacturer
In October 2014, the "Soya ANK" company plans to launch an oil extraction plant for the production of soybean meal and soybean oil.
What are pesticides?
What are pesticides?
Pesticides, by definition, are chemicals used in large-scale agricultural production to control weeds, parasites, diseases, plant pests, grain, leather goods, wool, cotton. Pesticides are classified according to their intended use.
6 factors for a high yield of soybeans
6 factors for a high yield of soybeans
Soybeans are the most profitable and profitable crop from an economic point of view for many regions of Russia. The theme of the development of the soybean, the search for reserves for increasing yields are issues that are of interest to farmers in the Far East, the North Caucasus, the Volga region, the Urals and even Siberia.
Seminar for farm units
Seminar for farm units
On December 18, the "TARGET AGRO" company, together with the manufacturer of plant protection chemicals, the "ZemlyakoFF" company and the Buisk Chemical Plant, held a seminar for farm units of the Amur Region.
Canadian soybeans are grown in the Amur Region.
Canadian soybeans are grown in the Amur Region.
In the Amur Region, the harvesting of soybean seeds of the Canadian Prograin breeding is well underway, grown by our "TARGET AGRO" company together with "ANK Agroholding" in 2017 to supply high-quality and highly productive
seeds to farm units in the Far East of Russia in 2018.


+7 (4162) 77-26-15
7, Promyshlennaya St.,
Amur Region, 675000
INN 7734663029
OGRN 1117746685100

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