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Herbicides are pesticides aimed at controlling weeds. The word "herbicide" is of Latin origin ("Herba" - grass, "Cido" - kill). Accordingly, herbicides are of different types: continuous-effect and selective-effect, destroying certain plant species. Depending on the soil and climatic conditions and consumption rates, a chemical substance can have both a continuous and a selective effect. The fields of application of herbicides are different. They are used at production facilities, under power lines, near railway tracks, at the airfields, in forest clearings, for protection against weeds, and in some cases as a stimulant for the growth of cultivated plants. There are known cases of the use of herbicides by the US Army in the Vietnam War. There is a huge range of them in the modern plant protection products market. Such weed-control herbicides as Tactic, Galaktion, Global, Zlakterr, Aramo 45, Harmony Classic, Basagran, Galaxy Top, Aristocrat, Roundup are in highest demand.
Insecticides are one of the largest groups of pesticides used to control insect pests. Different insecticides have different principles of the damaging effect. Contact-type insecticides act on insects through the integument. Insecticides of systemic action enter the body of insects by breathing or swallowing.
Fungicides are pesticides aimed at destroying fungal diseases and seed treatment. Some antibiotics, sulfur and its compounds, metal salts, especially salts of copper, cadmium, and mercury are active against fungi. Due to their toxicity to humans, mercury and cadmium compounds are not used in practice. The principle of action of fungicides is known only in general terms. Fungicides act directly on fungi or on their enzymes, blocking the biological processes in them.
There is another large group of pesticides - zoocides. These pesticides are directed against warm-blooded animals - plant pests, mainly to control rodents and birds. There are varieties of zoocides - sterilizers that prevent giving birth to pests' offspring.
In agriculture, many other chemical agents are used, different in their intended purpose and effect. For example, desiccants are used to dry standing plants and facilitate machine harvesting. Dikvater Super is used for harvesting soybeans.