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2017 was marked for "ANK-Holding" by the end of a large-scale project for the construction of an oil extraction plant with a capacity of 50 tons/day. On December 20, took place a solemn ceremony of opening the second production line of the plant - the soybean oil refining and packaging workshop. The soybean oil extraction plant is a joint project of "ANK-Holding" and Chinese partners.
Members of the Government of the Amur Region and Blagoveshchensk, heads of leading manufacturing and trade enterprises, heads of banks, representatives of agricultural enterprises gathered to congratulate "ANK-Holding" on the launch of the plant. The Mayor of Blagoveshchensk, Valentina Kalita, noted that the opening of the plant is a large event for the whole Far Eastern Region of Russia. In his congratulatory speech, Deputy Prime Minister of the Amur Region Vladislav Bakumenko noted that the development vector of "ANK-Holding" aimed at soybeans processing and inducing value addition was correct. Also, the partners expressed their congratulations. The director of the "Daheng" company Sun Qinglin, the manager of the Blagoveshchensk branch of PJSC "Sberbank" Isachkin Sergey Mikhailovich, the Chief Engineer of "Amurskiy broiler" LLC Mikhailov Andrey Anatolyevich expressed their expectations. The General Director of "ANK-Holding" Pavel Iniutochkin summed up in his speech: "I thank the people who understand us, support and participate in the implementation of this project. From the very beginning, we were encouraged by the Government of the Amur Region when we presented the idea of building a plant. The city authorities also supported us: they helped us quickly receive a permit for starting the building process so that we could get into the development program of the Amur Region for soybean processing. I thank the investors who took the risk and invested in our project 500 million rubles.".
The ceremonial launch of the second production line of the plant was marked by pressing a button accompanied by a streak of fireworks. In 2014, the first line was launched, which made it possible to produce two products: soybean meal and crude soybean oil. The production capacity of the first line is 200 tons per day, which makes 70,000 tons of soybeans per year. The production capacity allows the enterprise to produce 50,000 tons of soybean meal and 10,000 tons of soybean oil. The geography of sales of soybean meal covers the whole of Russia, and the major part of soybean oil supplies is exported to China for further refining and packaging. The new workshop is the second stage of the ANK oil extraction plant. According to Commercial Director Stepan Iniutochkin, thanks to the launch of the oil refining workshop, "ANK-Holding" will not sell the crude products to the PRC, but instead will make its further processing and bottling. The planned output of finished products is 15 million one-liter bottles or 3 million five-liter bottles per year. A solid resource base is needed to implement the plans. In addition to its own raw materials, the agricultural holding plans to additionally buy from the region's farms 30 thousand tons of soybeans per year. Only non-GMO natural soybeans will be used in the production process.
Commercial Director of ANK-Holding Stepan Inyutochkin was invited to the microphone to present a new brand "Amur Pearl". During the presentation, he outlined the main directions of the use of soybeans in the world. He noted that among all the variety of products made from soybeans, soybean oil plays an important role, which occupies 30% of the world's production structure. In Russia, soybean oil is consumed by both ordinary households and the HoReCa segment. It is used in large volumes in the food industry for the manufacture of confectionery and mayonnaise. Soybean oil is versatile and suitable for any culinary delight. These are the reason why ANK started production of such a useful and demanded product as soybean oil. The new brand of "Amur Pearl" soybean oil is designed not only for the market of the Amur Region and Primorye Territory but also for the Chinese market. The target audience of the brand is middle-income consumers who appreciate the quality and environmental friendliness of the product. It is great for salads, canning, frying, dressing first courses. The versatility of the oil use is reflected in the advertising slogan: "Making salad or deep fry - "Amur Pearl" will make it fine!" Versatility in use, absence of odor, environmental friendliness, high quality are the main distinguishing features of "Amur Pearl" soybean oil. The production technology allows to maximize the natural benefits of the oil and makes it resistant to high temperatures, so it is ideal for frying. In addition, the packaging of the new product should be noted. Modern plastic bottles with original design patterns, reminiscent of the facets of a diamond, make the brand distinguishable among other brands of vegetable oil presented currently in retail chains.
After the official part, the guests of the event were introduced to the process of soybean oil production during a tour of the production workshops of the plant and its own laboratory. The head of the laboratory, Victoria Razantsvey, told the guests about checking the quality of the product at all stages of the technological line, from checking the quality of raw materials to the final product. All workshops are equipped with modern technological equipment. At the end of the excursion, the guests were able to appreciate the taste and quality of the finished product of the "Soya ANK" oil extraction plant, treating themselves to delicious pancakes fried with the use of "Amur Pearl" soybean oil. In addition, everyone could take an exclusive bottle of oil from a limited batch as a gift.