Полезная информация
Dear partners! The products of the ANK agricultural holding will be presented at the "First Russian-Chinese Import and Export Goods Fair", which will be held from August 13-16, 2018 in Heihe, on the territory of the International Trade Center. This event is organized by the Department of Commerce of Heilongjiang Province and the Heihe City Government. The exhibitors will be united in three areas: food, fruits and vegetables, and consumer goods. The fair is dedicated to Russian exported and imported products: food, fruits and vegetables, consumer goods, etc.
The statistical data for the Amur Region shows that China accounts for the largest share of both export and import supplies of goods. More than 48% of the Region's exports are food products and agricultural raw materials, in the structure of imports - 18.1% accordingly. Recently, trade relations have been built up between Russian and Chinese businesses in most of the priority sectors, therefore, exhibitions and fairs are becoming increasingly important.
Agroholding ANK will present a new brand of refined deodorized soybean oil "Amur Pearl" at the "foodstuffs" exhibition area. Our company has established the mechanism for exporting soybean oil to China thanks to successful cooperation with our long-term partner, Daheng Economic and Trade Co., Ltd..