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Soybean yield from "Sugar maple country" will be higher this year
Bean Cinderella, "meat" grown on fields, the queen of the Amur fields - in every region where soybeans are grown, this multifaceted crop has its own name. In our region, which is the leader in acreage and the volume of soybean production in Russia, highly productive soybean seeds from the well-known Canadian brand Prograin have been grown for four years now. It is expected that this year's harvest will be higher than last year, and prices for elite seed material will be lower.25 centners is not the limit.
"TargetAgro", the official distributor of the Prograin canadian seed company, expects a good harvest of quality seeds this season. Together with "Agrofirma ANK" CJSC, the supplier of soy products has been producing elite seeds for Amur agricultural enterprises for several years. Oktyabrsky, Blagoveshchensky, Tambovsky, Seryshevsky districts is not the whole list of the region's territories where elite Canadian soybeans are growing today.
- In the Amur Region, three varieties have already proved themselves to be good: early-ripening Maxus and Opus and middle-early Kofu. These varieties are less dependent on weather conditions and give consistently high yields, -says Evgeny Trofimov, General Director of "TargetAgro". - The weather conditions in the Amur Region are not always favorable for plant breeders, therefore, the use of early-ripening varieties for the Far Eastern Region of Russia is very important. In addition, the varieties of the Prograin breeding are distinguished by a high protein content - more than 41 percent in absolutely dry matter. For comparison, the protein content in varieties from other producers is approximately 37 - 38 percent. The average yield of Canadian soybeans, according to our observations, exceeds 20 centners per hectare. This season, the yield is expected to be 25 centners and higher. This year, about a dozen farms from different districts of the region have grown soybeans of the well-known world brand. Canadian seeds are suitable for growing even in difficult northern conditions. For example, in the Mazanovsky District, despite the remoteness and complexity of the territory, farmers get a fairly high yield for the harsh terrain. "Target Agro" is planning to sell over 1000 tons of seed material to the Amur agrarians this year. Most of them are expected to be sold before the new year. The company has already received several preliminary orders for the purchase of large quantities of seeds from the largest Amur holdings.
- It has become a practive in the Amur Region for farmers to exchange seeds from year to year. Production of good yeilds with the use of such a selection is a rather controversial issue. It is necessary to update the seed material regularly. Sowing after the third reproduction is generally not recommended. Of course, buying and sowing a high-yielding variety does not guarantee getting a record harvest. It is also necessary to observe the technology of growing this crop, to protect plants in time, to use pesticides. That is the only way one can count on a high result, - notes Evgeny Viktorovich.
Three prices for soybeans.
- In central Russia, for example, there are three prices for soybeans, which are based on the protein content. This practice is gradually taking root in the Amur Region. - Evgeny Trofimov continues. - One price for low-protein soybeans, another - for medium-protein ones. The most expensive, respectively, is high-protein products. As a result, the consumer pays rather for grams of protein, than for a ton of soybeans. At the same time, the manufacturer's entry to the market can only be guaranteed by a high protein content - not less than 38 percent.
According to experts, it is the protein content that favorably distinguishes Canadian soybeans from its neighboring varieties in the fields. This indicator is a key one when it comes to assessing the quality of soy products by foreign buyers, including buyers from China, to which Amur producers supply soybeans each year. According to distributors, seeds from Canada are equally resistant to drought and waterlogging. Canadian soybeans can be distinguished even by their appearance, - the plant's stem is denser and more strong.
Representatives of the manufacturing company come to see the results of the work on growing high-protein soybeans in the Amur Region every year.
- Prograin has been breeding soybeans for 30 years. This brand has been represented in the Russian market since 2014, - comments Sergey Ulaev, agronomist of the Russian representative office of the largest private Canadian company.
- In the range of varieties that Prograin offers today, there are at least eight to nine high protein varieties suitable for growing in the climatic conditions of your region. When choosing seeds for growing in local conditions, varieties with a shorter growing season are primarily considered. There is a risk of damaging the varieties of a long ripening period by frosts which can reduce their quality characteristics. Experts determine the moisture level of a new crop, which is also an important indicator, by using tests. According to the representative office data, soybeans from Prograin grow well both in Ussuriysk and in the Krasnodar Krai. Every year, variety testing is carried out in the fields of the regions, which helps choosing the varieties most suitable for a particular region.
The variety of a highest protein content will be presented next year.
By the way, this year the Prograin company has registered several new products. These are the varieties of even a shorter ripening period with a high protein content. One of the varieties, for example, this year showed a protein content of 50.4 percent. Next year, a novelty from the line of early ripening varieties will be presented on the Amur soybean market.
- In any farm, it is reasonable to grow at least three varieties of soybeans of different ripening periods. This allows to gather guaranteed and stable harvests. It would be a mistake to think that by purchasing expensive seeds, all the problems can be automatically solved. In order for a variety to reveal its potential, it is necessary that all technological operations be carried out on time and in accordance with all the rules, advises Sergey Ulaev.
"Target Agro" recommends to be careful when buying Canadian seeds. Elite seeds of the Prograin trademark are not sold without the appropriate accompanying documents. Buying seed material from unauthorised third parties does not guarantee high yields at all. Certified products can be purchased from the "Target Agro" company at the address: 80, Shimanovskogo St., Blagoveshchensk. Telephone for inquiries: 7 (4162) 77-26-15.