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16 March 2022
Mineral fertilizers for growing corn
When growing corn, various groups of fertilizers are used. Mineral supplements are considered among the most effective. However, when using them and choosing the dosage, it is necessary to take into account a number of external factors, in particular, temperature, soil moisture.
Mineral fertilizers are usually divided into:
- Nitrogen;
- Potash;
- Phosphoric.
Also, in addition to these macronutrients, the culture needs iodine, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, copper, molybdenum. To saturate the soil with them, the soil is treated before planting with additives containing the necessary elements. Timely top dressing allows you to increase the yield, the level of carotene in corn grains.
Nitrogen fertilizers
The following additives belong to the class of nitrogen mineral fertilizers:
- Ammonium nitrate - it is recommended to introduce complementary foods with it several times: in the process of plowing the soil and at the stage of five leaves, at the stage of cob formation;
- Carbide-ammonia mixture - the use of this type of fertilizer requires caution, since overdose may damage the roots, the use of 50 kg per 1 ha is considered the norm. It is applied until the period of emergence of sprouts, conditions are considered optimal at an air temperature in the range from +5 to +10 degrees and moderate soil moisture;
- Urea - the additive is usually used at the stage of 8 leaves, as a fertilizer it is used in the form of an aqueous solution with a concentration of up to 4%.
The application of potash additives depends on the type of soil. With the predominance of clay soil, top dressing is introduced in the fall, with sandy soil - in the spring. Basically, two types of fertilizer are used:
- Potassium salt - introduced at the stage of seven leaves, the dosage is 500 kg per 1 hectare;
- Potassium humate - used in dry seasons in the absence of precipitation, the additive increases the resistance of plants to adverse conditions. Fertilizer is introduced at the stage of five leaves, as well as 14 days after the appearance of green mass. A dosage of 2 liters per hectare is considered normal.
Phosphorus additives are usually applied to the soil before sowing. Their use increases the cold resistance of the culture, accelerates ripening. The most commonly used phosphate fertilizer is ammonium sulfate. It can be applied at planting as well as at the six-leaf stage. The most effective additive during loosening.
Organic fertilizers
In addition to the introduction of mineral fertilizers for corn, organic additives are considered necessary. Most often, liquid manure is used for this purpose. A barn can be used as a basis, which is diluted with water at a concentration of 10 kg per 50 liters. The resulting composition is infused for a week. In the fields, the mixture is used in autumn in preparation for winter, as well as in spring for digging. The application concentration is 7 liters per square meter.
It is believed that during the sowing period of corn, it is best to use mineral-type additives. Especially during this period, the culture needs phosphorus. However, when applying, it is necessary to accurately observe the concentration. Increased communication of phosphorus in the soil can adversely affect yields. When sowing, it is customary to apply fertilizer in small portions. Together with phosphorus compounds, nitrogen compounds are used. Their use contributes to the accelerated development of green mass.