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16 March 2022
There are several criteria by which soybean varieties are classified.
Yield potential due to genetic characteristics. Breeders conduct yield tests of varieties in different geographic areas. The widespread practice of soybean cultivation and production confirms that the yield of different varieties in unequal soil and climatic conditions can vary significantly.
Ripening time and growth pattern. Soybean varieties also differ in the period of flowering, formation and growth of seeds. Hence the early, mid-season and late-ripening varieties. Each variety has its own necessary length of daylight hours, the ability to "overstay". Geographic latitude affects the classification of soybeans. According to the nature of the growth of the soybean stem, determinant is distinguished, i.e. depending on the length of daylight hours and indeterminate - independent. There are different opinions about the use of varieties of different growth patterns. According to one of them, indeterminate ones are more resistant to stressful climate conditions, such as drought and heat. In other words, determinant plants produce less in low-yielding regions.
Branch type. It is important for farmers how strongly branched the soybean sprouts will be. Here everything is also very variable: from highly branched to narrow ones with one main stem. Depending on the existing production and irrigation system, a variety with a suitable type of branching should be selected.
Plant height and degree of lodging. Plants that are too tall can be unstable against wind and rain. This leads to their lodging. Such stems are difficult to cut during machine harvesting. Ultimately, crop losses due to lodging can be enormous. In general, lodging is quite well controlled at the genetic level. Varieties with strong resistant stems have been bred and widely used.
Depending on the size of the beans themselves, there are large-, medium- and small-seeded varieties. Experience shows that small seeds have a fast germination and rapid development of the root system at an early stage. Large seeds meet more resistance during germination. However, soybean yield does not depend on seed size. Cases of high yields of small-seeded varieties are known, and vice versa.
shedding. Modern developments of breeders make soybeans resistant to pod cracking after ripening.
Herbicide resistance, weed competitiveness, insect resistance. If any of these factors are ignored in seed selection, yield losses can also be significant.
Oil and protein content. The percentage of protein and fat per unit of soybeans affects their final price.
Special varieties with amino acid content. In connection with the growing needs and the emergence of new purposes for the use of soybeans, there are new requirements for the content of individual amino acids in soybeans, such as palmitic and linolenic.
Selection and testing of varieties has been carried out by Russian soybean research institutes for many years. So for each region of cultivation, oilseed varieties have been developed and are constantly being improved, and a variety change is periodically carried out.
In the All-Russian Research Institute of soybeans in the Far East, mid-season varieties were obtained - Harmoniya, Lazurnaya, Nega 1; early ripening - Sonata, Lydia, Aktai, Yankan.
In SibNIIK for a region with a lack of heat and a short growing season, local varieties have been bred, incl. Altom.
In the North Caucasus, VNIIMK has been working in this direction for more than 35 years. More than 20 varieties have been bred. The most proven, record-breaking variety for the Krasnodar Territory is Vilana.
In the conditions of the Volga region, adaptive varieties Soyer NIISH were selected.
Mageva, Svetlaya, Kasatka, Okskaya were created in the Ryazan NIIPTI APK.
In the Central Chernozem Region, there is a whole series of varieties Belgorodskaya, as well as Eyed, Lancetnaya.
Yield potential due to genetic characteristics. Breeders conduct yield tests of varieties in different geographic areas. The widespread practice of soybean cultivation and production confirms that the yield of different varieties in unequal soil and climatic conditions can vary significantly.
Ripening time and growth pattern. Soybean varieties also differ in the period of flowering, formation and growth of seeds. Hence the early, mid-season and late-ripening varieties. Each variety has its own necessary length of daylight hours, the ability to "overstay". Geographic latitude affects the classification of soybeans. According to the nature of the growth of the soybean stem, determinant is distinguished, i.e. depending on the length of daylight hours and indeterminate - independent. There are different opinions about the use of varieties of different growth patterns. According to one of them, indeterminate ones are more resistant to stressful climate conditions, such as drought and heat. In other words, determinant plants produce less in low-yielding regions.
Branch type. It is important for farmers how strongly branched the soybean sprouts will be. Here everything is also very variable: from highly branched to narrow ones with one main stem. Depending on the existing production and irrigation system, a variety with a suitable type of branching should be selected.
Plant height and degree of lodging. Plants that are too tall can be unstable against wind and rain. This leads to their lodging. Such stems are difficult to cut during machine harvesting. Ultimately, crop losses due to lodging can be enormous. In general, lodging is quite well controlled at the genetic level. Varieties with strong resistant stems have been bred and widely used.
Depending on the size of the beans themselves, there are large-, medium- and small-seeded varieties. Experience shows that small seeds have a fast germination and rapid development of the root system at an early stage. Large seeds meet more resistance during germination. However, soybean yield does not depend on seed size. Cases of high yields of small-seeded varieties are known, and vice versa.
shedding. Modern developments of breeders make soybeans resistant to pod cracking after ripening.
Herbicide resistance, weed competitiveness, insect resistance. If any of these factors are ignored in seed selection, yield losses can also be significant.
Oil and protein content. The percentage of protein and fat per unit of soybeans affects their final price.
Special varieties with amino acid content. In connection with the growing needs and the emergence of new purposes for the use of soybeans, there are new requirements for the content of individual amino acids in soybeans, such as palmitic and linolenic.
Selection and testing of varieties has been carried out by Russian soybean research institutes for many years. So for each region of cultivation, oilseed varieties have been developed and are constantly being improved, and a variety change is periodically carried out.
In the All-Russian Research Institute of soybeans in the Far East, mid-season varieties were obtained - Harmoniya, Lazurnaya, Nega 1; early ripening - Sonata, Lydia, Aktai, Yankan.
In SibNIIK for a region with a lack of heat and a short growing season, local varieties have been bred, incl. Altom.
In the North Caucasus, VNIIMK has been working in this direction for more than 35 years. More than 20 varieties have been bred. The most proven, record-breaking variety for the Krasnodar Territory is Vilana.
In the conditions of the Volga region, adaptive varieties Soyer NIISH were selected.
Mageva, Svetlaya, Kasatka, Okskaya were created in the Ryazan NIIPTI APK.
In the Central Chernozem Region, there is a whole series of varieties Belgorodskaya, as well as Eyed, Lancetnaya.