In its original form, soybeans are practically not used for food. Mainly, soybean processing products are used in the food industry. Soy flour is used to bake bread and bakery products, make homemade noodles, and add it in the production of desserts. Soy phosphatides are used in the confectionery industry in the production of chocolate. Soy milk is obtained by grinding, boiling and filtering of beans. The content of thiamine, niacin and iron compounds makes the product useful. In some countries, soy milk is used as a substitute for animal milk. Tofu cheese which is made from soy milk using the pressing method, having a delicate neutral taste, is used in the preparation of various dishes. Soy sauce is an original seasoning for many dishes of meat, fish, and salads. This product has a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Soy is widely used as a meat substitute due to its valuable protein. Soybean oil is used for food, it is suitable for frying and for dressing salads, as well as for preparing other foods.

Soy is a valuable forage crop. Soybean meal, cake, and flour, as well as hay, are well eaten by most farm animals.

Soybeans as a legume crop saturate the soil with nitrogen, causing an increase in the yield of crops grown after it. Many grain and leaf crops, as well as potatoes, will yield higher yields when grown in a rotation with soybeans. In addition, it helps to control weeds.

Soy is also used in such industries as chemical, soap-making, paint and varnish, textile. Linoleum, plastic, paints and varnishes, plastic cover, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, and even biodiesel are produced from it. Biodiesel made from soybean oil can be refueled almost immediately in any diesel vehicle. Mixing it with fossil diesel fuel is also practiced. The use of biodiesel has a number of advantages. The first is environmental friendliness and an alternative solution to the energy problem. When biodiesel is burned, the characteristic smell of exhaust gases is absent. When it is burned, it smells like fried potatoes or popcorn. The second advantage is the extended service life of the engines since biodiesel produced from vegetable oils is an excellent lubricant. At the same time, in terms of technical characteristics, it is very similar to diesel fuel obtained from oil.

It is important to note that the darker and blacker soybeans belong to the fodder and industrial varieties. For processing for food purposes, it is not recommended to use soybeans that contain weeds, stem fragments, as well as crushed and split soybeans.